222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

Anne McGuire Memorial Scholarship 2024
Anne McGuire served as the Chapter Administrator for many years and was exceptionally dedicated to the bleeding disorders community. The scholarship fund was created after her passing in 2020 from cancer to honor her passion for the youth of the bleeding disorders community and to make college accessible to more young adults.

2024 guidelines: Up to two awards of $1000 each will be granted.  These funds may be used to pay expenses related to undergraduate studies at a 2- or 4- year accredited college or university in the United States.

To apply online visit: Jotform Application

Who can apply: Applicants must be:

  • Residents of Nevada who have been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder by a hematologist or have a sibling that has a diagnosed bleeding disorder.
  • Entering or attending an accredited 2- or 4- year undergraduate institution in the United States for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Preference for young adults who have been involved in the Nevada Chapter

Application requirements:  The application must include the following completed sections:

  • Application form
  • Write an essay (300 words maximum) responding to the following questions: In what ways do you participate in your local bleeding disorder community? How your education and future career plans will benefit others in the bleeding disorder community?
  • Personal reference (must be written and signed by a teacher, mentor, or someone else familiar with your personal and academic achievements. Letters written by any relative of the applicant will not be accepted.)

Eligibility and selection process: Applications will be evaluated by a review committee. This scholarship will be awarded based on a completed application, essay, achievements, and community service to the hemophilia community. The recipients will be notified by October 4th, 2024, and will receive funding in the fall after submitting their tuition bill/statement from the institution they are attending or planning to attend.

Please note: Funds can be used for tuition, college room and board, travel to college, books, and/or laptops. For all expenses, a tuition bill/statement must be submitted as proof of enrollment in order to receive the scholarship funds.

Deadline: All completed applications must be received no later than Friday, September 27th, 2024.

To apply online visit: Jotform Application

Applications will NOT be considered unless all materials are received by this date.

Questions about the scholarship or reference form?

Contact: Jacob at 702-564-4368 or jmurdock@bleeding.org

RE: Anne McGuire Memorial Scholarship

NBDF Nevada Scholarships

222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2024

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