222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

Financial Assistance Program

**Newly submitted Financial Assistance Applications will not be processed from September 6th to 18th, 2024. 


The purpose of Financial Assistance is part of the Nevada Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NV-NBDF) continuing effort to improve the quality of life of individuals and families affected by bleeding disorders. Nevada Chapter of NBDF provides emergency financial support, based on the availability of funding, to help pay for:

  • Expenses incurred in the care, treatment, or prevention of a bleeding disorder;
  • Transportation services to medical appointments and HTCs;
  • Basic living expense emergencies (rent, mortgage, utilities, food, etc);
  • Medic Alert Bracelets;
  • Educational Needs


Prospective applicants will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be a resident of Nevada.
  • Be an individual with a bleeding disorder diagnosis OR
  • Be a parent or caregiver of a minor child who lives in your home and who has a bleeding disorder diagnosis.
  • Must be a patient and receive treatment from the Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center of Nevada (HTC-NV).
  • Must have completed a Comprehensive Care clinic visit at the HTC-NV within 12 months of this request.
  • Fully complete this Financial Assistance application
  • Must meet all eligibility requirements determined by the Nevada Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NV-NBDF).
  • Have not previously applied and been approved for financial assistance from NV-NBDF in this current calendar year.


Financial assistance depends on the availability of funds and applicant eligibility. Funding is not guaranteed. Applicants should allow at least 10 business days for the Nevada Chapter of NHF to process their request.

Assistance is limited to a maximum of $500 per rolling calendar year, per eligible family. 

Nevada Chapter of NBDF cannot provide funding directly to the individual applicant(s). Disbursements will be made directly to vendors identified in the application that have been verified by the Nevada Chapter of NBDF. In the case of a request for food, the requesting staff person will facilitate expenditure without giving cash directly to the client.

The Nevada Chapter of NBDF is willing to provide referrals for financial counseling resources for all clients who request assistance from the Nevada Chapter of NBDF. All financial assistance candidates will be encouraged to participate in career counseling and budget training. It is recommended that other payment resources be investigated including government-sponsored programs and other charitable organizations.

The Nevada Chapter of NBDF Executive Director or other designated staff will review applications for completeness.  If the assistance request does not provide the necessary information, the staff member will contact the applicant for additional details.  If the request cannot be completed, then it will be denied.

Once the Nevada Chapter of NBDF Executive Director receives the assistance request, the application will be sent to the Nevada Chapter of NBDF Advisory Board/Financial Assistance Committee for review. The committee will review (in-person or via conference call) the financial assistance request within one week of receipt and submit a majority vote recommendation. Assistance provided will be based on the sole discretion of the Nevada Chapter of NBDF, the Advisory Board, and/or the Financial Assistance Committee. The Executive Director will serve as a liaison but will not be given a vote.

The Executive Director or designated staff will notify the applicant about the decision within two business days of the committee meeting via email or phone communications.  In most cases, approved applicants can expect a total of two to three weeks for the entire process and payment to be submitted.

Please submit all applications along with relevant bills via email or postal mail:



Nevada Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

222 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 203
Las Vegas, NV 89145


Applicants and information on funding requests are considered confidential to the full extent permitted by law. All Nevada Chapter of NBDF Advisory Board/Financial Assistance Committee members are required to sign a confidential agreement.

Information from the Nevada Chapter of NBDF’s Financial Assistance applications may be compiled for statistical purposes and compliance with local, state, federal, or affiliate organization requirements.  However, any publication of this data will be in aggregate form only and will not include names or any other information that could be used to identify individual applicants or recipients.

No personal information will be used or disclosed for any purposes other than that for which it was collected without the applicants’ written permission.  At no time will personal information be shared with any individual, company, or organization outside The Nevada Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders.




222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2024

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