222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

NV Chapter Camp Programs

Camp Independence was founded in 2003. Beginning in 2013, the Nevada Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation and the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada became partners to provide a premier camp program for youth affected by bleeding disorders and cancer. Camp Firefly and Camp Independence had come together as Camp Independent Firefly. In 2021, this dual organization camp partnership had been dissolved.

As we enter 2022, we have a new exciting challenge to take on. What will our newfound independence look and feel like as we plan to reignite our camp community in 2023?

Look out for plenty of conversations and camp focus groups to be part of the envisioning process this coming summer. 

The history of our camp programs and camp culture have been designed to allow young people with special medical needs the opportunity to experience camping and a variety of other traditional camp activities. Our goal is to provide a supportive camp environment with a strong sense of community that help all participants feel accepted and part of a group.  We are excited the Nevada Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation has a fresh opportunity to continue honoring the incredible history and memories of camp, as well as bringing the new ideas and concepts that are formed by the conversations we have with families, stakeholders, and especially our youth, that continue to create a camp experience that is SAFE, FUN, AND EDUCATIONAL for everyone.






222 S. Rainbow Blvd
Suite 203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2024

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